Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Movement 1: Throwing a Spiral



 1. Stance Phase

  • Before you throw the football, your weight is balanced and your body is pointed towards your target. Your knees are slightly bent giving a good center of gravity and at this point you are holding the football with two hands. Your throwing hand is already engaged in the holding phase and your non dominant hand is holding the football in place. Both arms should be Flexed 90 Degrees and Horizontally Adducted in the Transverse Plane.



Throwing a Spiral

2. Holding Phase

  • It is extremely important that the football is held correctly. This means that your hand is towards the back end of the football with your all of your fingers Extended and your middle ring and pinky fingers on the laces. Your index finger should be off of the laces on the seam of the football. Also, your thumb is underneath the football and there should actually be an L shape in between your thumb and index finger. Lastly, make sure that you grip and throw the football with your fingertips and not with the palm of your hand. This hand position helps in creating the General Motion of a spiral.


Throwing a Spiral

3. Movement Phase

  • Before you throw the football, you need to align the shoulder on the same side as your non dominant hand with your target. This means that your shoulder is actually pointing right at where you are aiming to throw the football. You also need to hold the football close to your ear with your arm forming a 90 Degree Angle so that you can have a quick release. In this stance your legs should be Parallel. Lastly, it is important to maintain eye contact with your target and release the football at a high point. 


Throwing a Spiral

4. Action Phase

  • This is the phase where you are actually throwing the football. It is first important to step with your pivot foot, which is on the same side as your non dominant hand. When you throw the football your pivot foot is actually pointed directly at your target. To make sure that you throw a spiral you need to Extend your arm and roll your fingertips off the football as it is being released. The faster that the arm is extended on the throw, the greater the Force of the thrown football. Snapping your fingertips from the football, Flexion and Extension of the arm, and the Torque from the Rotation of the body during the throw result in an effective pass. Your index finger should be the last finger to leave the football. Lastly, as the football is being thrown there is Plantar Flexion of the non dominant ankle in the Mediolateral Axis of the Sagital Plane.


Throwing a Spiral

5. Recovery Phase

  •  Your hand should continue its movement after releasing the football. When the throwing skill is complete, your throwing hand should be Extended downward in the "palms out" position and Bilaterally Pronated 180 Degrees around the Transverse Plane along the Longitudinal Axis. Also, your weight should be shifted forwards towards the leg that you initially stepped with to make the throw. This leg that you will be shifting your weight towards is the leg on the same side as your non dominant hand. 



Throwing Drill

This drill helps to develop a stronger arm and wrist snap.
Since you are kneeling, you are only focusing on the upper
body mechanics of the throw. This is beneficial for
someone being introduced to throwing a football.
Also, remember to complete your follow through.
Your throwing hand should finish in the grass or
surface that you are kneeling on.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Movement 2: Carrying a Football


 1. Ball Positioning Phase

  • When carrying a football, the ball should be held by either your right or left arm. Your hand covers the nose of the ball and the bottom of the football presses into your elbow. The ball should be held high into your chest and it should be tight with a lot of Pressure against your body. The arm that is carrying the football is Flexed about 180 Degrees in the Sagital Plane around the Mediolateral Axis. After the football is secured in this position you should try to keep movements of the football to a minimum. 


Carrying a Football

2. Preparation Phase

  • You must be prepared to deal with opponents trying to take the football from your possession. Having the football tucked high and tight should prevent losing possession of the football. Also, make sure that your arm is directly located across the entirety of the football and the bottom of the ball is pinned into your elbow. Your fingers must be Extended over the head of the football. Your other hand may be used in the preparation phase to increase ball security. This arm must be Adducted towards the chest so that the opposite hand can also secure the football.